the newsletter written exclusively for VRNA Members
If its of interest to VRNA Members, youll find it in Veterans Resource! Published quarterly, youre sure to find our official Member publication a richly rewarding read.
Each issue is packed with:
Resources and tools. Youll find user-friendly how to articles on using technology to get ahead in your personal and professional life ... financial planning advice to help you make the most of your money right now and get you on the right road to retirement ... inside insight into the best places to visit on vacation and the right times to go ... and more!
News updates on Veterans affairs. Youll read about current legislative activity in Washington, D.C. and how the outcomes are projected to affect U.S. Veterans. Topics of interest on the political front include changes to Veterans benefits, public policy, foreign affairs and more.
Here's how it works:
You'll be mailed a copy of the newsletter, and also have access to it online!
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