[var:'go'=(form_param:'go')] [var:'id'=(form_param:'id')] [Inline: database='VRNAmembers.fp3', layout='main', 'memberid'=(cookie:'ID'), search] [if:(found_count)=='0'] [Inline: '-token.error'='cheat', nothing] lock
  Welcome to the VRNA,

New Members -- If this is your first time logging in
click here to set up your account.
A security violation occured. Please log in again.[/if] [if:(token_value:'error')=='login']
Sorry, the login information you supplied is invalid.
Please try entering your username and password again.

[/if] [if:(token_value:'error')=='empty']
You need to enter a username and password.


  Current Members Login:
Forget your password? click here.

[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='AddressChange'] Welcome to the VRNA

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 Change Contact Information: [if:(token_value:'error')=='fail']
Sorry, the password verification failed.
Please try again.[/if]
  *Address 1:
  Address 2:


[else:if:(var:'go')=='BuddyLocator'] Welcome to the VRNA

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You are not currently listed in our Buddy Locator Directory.

If you would like to be found in the buddy locator directory, click here [else] Your buddy locator profile is shown below
To make changes to this profile, click here
Current Contact Information:
[/if] [if:(field:'address')!=''&&(field:'Baddress')=='Yes'][field:'address',encodebreak][/if]
[if:(field:'phone')!=''&&(field:'Bphone')=='Yes'] [/if] [if:(field:'email')!=''&&(field:'Bemail')=='Yes'] [/if]
Phone:  [field:'phone']
e-mail:  [field:'email']
Additional Personal Information:
[if:(field:'servicename')!=(field:'name')&&(field:'servicename')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'Nickname')!=(field:'name')&&(field:'Nickname')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'dob')!=''&&(field:'Bage')=='Yes'] [/if]
Service Name:  [field:'ServiceName']
Nick Name:  [field:'NickName']
Age:  [variable_set:'age'=(math_sub:(date_format:(date), dateformat='%Y'),(date_format:(Field:'dob'), dateformat='%Y'))] [variable_set:'dob'=(date_format:(Field:'dob'), dateformat='%m/%d/')] [variable_set:'dob2'=(string_concatenate:(variable:'dob'), (date_format:(date), dateformat='%Y'))] [if:(date_format:(date), dateformat='%m/%d/%Y')<(variable:'dob2')][math_sub:(variable:'age'),'1'][else][variable:'age'][/if]
Military Information:
[if:(field:'servicebranch')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'CommandingOfficer')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'unit')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'rank')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'position')!=''] [/if]
Service Branch:  [field:'servicebranch']
Commanding Officer:  [field:'CommandingOfficer']
Unit:  [field:'unit']
Rank:  [field:'rank']
Position:  [field:'position']
[if:(field:'induction')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'Discharged')!=''] [/if]
Induction Date:  [field:'induction']
Discharge Date:  [field:'Discharged']
[if:(field:'ServiceLocation')!=''] [/if] [if:(field:'StationedWhere')!=''] [/if]
Where did you serve?   [field:'ServiceLocation']
Where were you stationed?   [field:'StationedWhere']
To make changes to this profile, click here [/if]



[else:if:(var:'go')=='BuddyEdit'] Welcome to the VRNA

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[Inline: database='VRNAmembers.fp3', layout='main', 'memberid'=(cookie:'ID'), search] [if:(found_count)=='0'] [Inline: '-token.error'='cheat', nothing] lock
  Welcome to the VRNA,

New Members -- If this is your first time logging in
click here to set up your account.
A security violation occured. Please log in again.[/if] [if:(token_value:'error')=='login']
Sorry, the login information you supplied is invalid.
Please try entering your username and password again.

[/if] [if:(token_value:'error')=='empty']
You need to enter a username and password.


  Current Members Login:
Forget your password? click here.

[/inline] [else]

Current Contact Information:
Phone:  [field:'phone']
e-mail:  [field:'email']

Check the items you would like listed in the directory.
Address: Phone:
e-mail: Age:

If you changed your name since you have served in the military.
Please enter your former name here.

If you had a nickname please enter it here.
Military Information:
Service Branch:  
Commanding Officer: 
Date of Induction:   Please enter dates
Date of Discharge:   in the mm/dd/yyyy
Date of Birth:   format.
Where did you serve?
Where were you stationed?
[/if] [/inline]


[else:if:(var:'go')=='ClassifiedAdmin'] [Inline: database='VRNAclassifieds.fp3', layout='main', 'MemberId'=(cookie:'ID'), search] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your Classified Ads

[if:(found_count)=='0'] You haven't posted any ads.
If you would like to create an ad, click here. [else] You currently have [found_count] active ad[if:(found_count)!='1']s[/if] [records] [/records]
Posted [field:'posteddate'] by [portal: 'VRNAmembers'][if:(field: 'VRNAmembers::email')!=''][/if][if:(field: 'VRNAmembers::name')!=''][field:'VRNAmembers::name'][else:if:(field:'VRNAmembers::email')!=''][field:'VRNAmembers::email'][/if][if:(field:'VRNAmembers::email')!=''][/if] [field: 'VRNAmembers::city'], [field: 'VRNAmembers::state']   [field: 'VRNAmembers::phone'][/portal]
[field:'body', encodebreak]



[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='ClassifiedEdit'] [Inline: database='VRNAclassifieds.fp3', layout='main', RecordID=(var:'id'), search] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your Ad titled '[Field: Title]'



[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='ClassifiedNew'] [Inline: 'who'=(field:'name'), nothing] Welcome to the VRNA

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Create a New Classified Ad



[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='YellowPages'] [Inline: database='VRNAyellowpages.fp3', layout='main', 'MemberId'=(cookie:'ID'), search] [if:(found_count)=='0'] [Inline: database='VRNAmembers.fp3', layout='main', 'MemberId'=(cookie:'ID'), search] Welcome to the VRNA

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Create a Yellow Page

Title, Headline or Slogan

Bullet Points:

Business Contact Information:
These fields have been autopopulated with your personal contact information. Please make any necessary changes. All changes effect this Yellow Page only. The information within your membership account will not be altered.
Business Name:
Adderess 1:
Address 2:
Business Hours:
Type the hours as you would like them to appear on your yellow page.

Please check the credit cards your business accepts.
Visa: Discover:

American Express:

Do you give Veterans a discount? Yes No
If Yes, Please phrase your discount below.
Example: We offer a 10% discount to all Veterans.

Would you like us to link a road map to your business address?
Yes No



[/inline] [else] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your Yellow Page
[portal: 'VRNAmembers'] [/portal]
Title, Headline or Slogan

Bullet Points:

Business Contact Information:

Business Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Business Hours:
Type the hours as you would like them to appear on your yellow page.

Please check the credit cards your business accepts.
Visa: Discover:

American Express:

Do you give Veterans a discount? Yes No
If Yes, Please phrase your discount below.
Example: We offer a 10% discount to all Veterans.

Would you like us to link a road map to your business address?
Yes No



[/if] [/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='HeroesAdmin'] [Inline: database='VRNAheroes.fp3', layout='main', 'MemberId'=(field:'memberid'), search] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your American Heroes Stor[if:(found_count)>'1']ies[else]y[/if]
[if:(found_count)=='0'] You haven't posted any stories.
If you would like to create a story, click here. [else] You currently have [found_count] active stor[if:(found_count)!='1']ies[else]y[/if] [records] [/records]
[field:'title'] by [if:(field:'author')!=''][field:'author'][else][portal:'vrnamembers'][field:'vrnamembers::name'][/portal][/if]

[if:(field:'SmallPhoto')!=''][/if] [variable_set:'stop'=(String_FindPosition: StartPosition=300, Find='. ',(field:'body',encodenone))] [String_Extract: StartPosition=1, EndPosition=(variable:'stop'), (field:'body',encodenone),encodebreak].. Read the full story ...



[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='EditStory'] [Inline: database='VRNAheroes.fp3', layout='main', RecordID=(var:'id'), search] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your American Heroes Story
[portal: 'VRNAmembers'] [/portal]
Author: (If not [cookie:'name'])
Story: Please hit enter twice between paragraphs.

Here you can select the categories that best fit your story.

Service Branch: Era: Other:
>'Air Force'] checked[/if]>Air Force
>'Army'] checked[/if]>Army
>'Coast Guard'] checked[/if]>Coast Guard
>'Marines'] checked[/if]>Marines
>'Merchant Marines'] checked[/if]>Merchant Marines
>'Navy'] checked[/if]>Navy
>'Reserves'] checked[/if]>Reserves
>'Balkins'] checked[/if]>Balkins
>'Gulf'] checked[/if]>Gulf War
>'Korea'] checked[/if]>Korea War
>'Kuwait'] checked[/if]>Kuwait
>'Peacetime'] checked[/if]>Peacetime
>'Vietnam'] checked[/if]>Vietnam War
>'WW1'] checked[/if]]>WWI
>'WW2'] checked[/if]>WWII
>'Other'] checked[/if]>Other
>'Women'] checked[/if]>Women in Military
>'Race'] checked[/if]>Race
>'Religion'] checked[/if]>Religion
>'Family'] checked[/if]>Story by a Veteran's
     family member



[/inline] [else:if:(var:'go')=='NewStory'] [Inline: 'who'=(field:'name'), nothing] Welcome to the VRNA

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Edit your American Heroes Story
Author: (If not [cookie:'name'])

Here you can select the categories that best fit your story.

Service Branch: Era: Other/Special Interest:
>'Air Force'] checked[/if]>Air Force
>'Army'] checked[/if]>Army
>'Coast Guard'] checked[/if]>Coast Guard
>'Marines'] checked[/if]>Marines
>'Merchant Marines'] checked[/if]>Merchant Marines
>'Navy'] checked[/if]>Navy
>'Reserves'] checked[/if]>Reserves
>'Balkins'] checked[/if]>Balkins
>'Gulf'] checked[/if]>Gulf War
>'Korea'] checked[/if]>Korea War
>'Kuwait'] checked[/if]>Kuwait
>'Peacetime'] checked[/if]>Peacetime
>'Vietnam'] checked[/if]>Vietnam War
>'WW1'] checked[/if]]>WWI
>'WW2'] checked[/if]>WWII
>'Other'] checked[/if]>Other
>'Women'] checked[/if]>Women in the Military
>'Race'] checked[/if]>Race
>'Religion'] checked[/if]>Religion
>'Family'] checked[/if]>Story by a Veteran's
     family member


[/inline] [/if] [/inline]